Adopt-a-Family Easter Drive

Adopt-a-Family Easter Drive flier (Eng & Span)Download

Gift Card Drive

Assist local families of low-income this Easter by donating online to our 2023 Adopt-a-Family Easter gift card drive. Donate grocery gift cards (Safeway or Giant, $25 or $50) or make a financial donation to be used to purchase gift cards.

  • Donations may be delivered to the rectory office or mailed to the rectory (we would like to receive donations by Wednesday, March 29, 2023)
  • Donations will be accepted by volunteers before or after Masses on the weekends of March 18/19 and 25/26.
  • You may also donate online on our Adopt-a-Family webpage (scroll down). For PayPal, please send an email to Ricardo at to confirm your donation.