Mass & Confessions

Readings for the Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Isaiah 6:1-2a, 3-8 | 1 Corinthians 15:1-11 | Luke 5:1-11

Mass Programs for the Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time, February 8/9, 2025

Saturday 5:30pm Vigil and Sunday 9am & 11am Masses
Sunday 1pm Mass (Spanish)
Sunday 5:30pm Mass


The Cathedral is open for Mass, Confessions, Devotions and private prayer at the times listed below. 
See St. Matthew's updated Covid-19 protocols.


Masses | Saturday at 5:30pm Vigil Mass & Sunday at 7am, 9am,11am, 1pm (Spanish) & 5:30pm (interpreted for the Deaf most Sundays)

Hours | 6:30am - 7pm

Livestreams | The Sunday 11am and 1pm (Spanish) Masses are livestreamed on our YouTube channel and shared to our Facebook page

Monday - Friday 

Masses | 7:30am, 12:10pm & 5:30pm (no 5:30pm Mass on Federal Holidays)

Hours | 7am – 6:30pm


Masses | 7:30am, 12:10pm & 5:30pm Vigil Mass 

Hours | 7am – 7pm

Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession)

Monday - Friday

11am - 12 Noon (except on Holy Days and Federal Holidays)


4 - 5pm


Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

Monday - Friday | 11am - 12 Noon (except on Holy Days and Federal Holidays)
First Friday of each month | 12:45pm - 5:00pm
Third Monday of each month | 6 - 7pm

Reparation to the Blessed Virgin

First Saturday of each month immediately following 12:10pm Mass

Novena to St. Anthony 

Tuesdays immediately following 5:30pm Mass

Miraculous Medal Devotion

Wednesdays immediately following 5:30pm Mass

Rectory Office

The rectory office is open 7 days a week, 9am - 4pm (closed 1 - 1:30pm). Visitors are welcome during these hours. Face masks inside the rectory are optional. You also may call the office (202-347-3215) or send an email to request Mass intentions, sacramental records, and sponsor letters.