A 3-part Series on the Path of Pure Love
Join us for a Tuesday evening series of classes in which we reflect on the path of pure love as the way to realize oneness with God. It is a tremendously practical path of prayer and loving one’s neighbor.
Our main teachers will be the mystics St. Catherine of Genoa, Francois Fenelon, and John Chapman. They give us concrete ways to live pure love in daily life.
We will also consider insights from other mystics, namely, Teilhard de Chardin, St. Paul of the Cross, Jacopone da Todi, Benet of Canfield and the contemporary American mystic Bernadette Roberts to unfold the radiant path of pure love
Topics include: the nature of pure love, self-love, pure faith, evolution and the journey of love, and love as selflessness.
Tuesday Sessions & Dates
Join us Tuesday evenings from 7 to 8:30pm in the East Conference Room on June 11, 18 and 25.
Meeting Location
Meetings are held in the East Conference Room. Use the Conference Center door at the bottom of the driveway to the parking garage (ring the buzzer). Upon entering, turn left to reach the East Conference Room.


For more information contact L.J. Milone, Director of Faith Formation and teacher of the series.