Pastoral Council News

May 4, 2023

Top Issues: Community building & Hospitality

The Pastoral Council, which has met monthly since September 2022, started its work by discussing the declining attendance at Sunday Mass since we returned to in-person services. The Council recommended community building as one strategy to address these declining numbers.
Recently, and at the direction of Msgr. Jameson, the Council has been discussing the results of the Synod Listening Sessions held at the Cathedral in February of 2022. Parishioners who participated in these sessions identified community building and hospitality as the top issue.

Recommendations for Hospitality

The members of the Pastoral Council, after discussion, offered to Msgr. Jameson a recommendation concerning how the parish might respond to the issues raised in the Synod Listening Sessions.
The Council recommended instituting hospitality after Sunday Mass. With the knowledge that volunteers are needed to sustain hospitality after Sunday Mass, some Council members volunteered.
They suggested having coffee and donuts (or some other food and drink) two Sundays per month and only after one Mass for an individual Sunday. They suggested that we rotate hospitality among the 9am, 11am, 1pm and 5:30pm Sunday Masses.

Upcoming: Ministry & Mission

Next up on the agenda, the Council will discuss the various areas of ministry at the Cathedral in relation to the Cathedral mission. They will begin with the area of Faith Formation.

Know Your Pastoral Council

Read about what a pastoral council is, and its purpose.

Find names, photos and brief bios of the men and women serving on this year's council.