Celebrating the Sacraments

Find our Mass and Confessions schedule.


Parents who wish to have their child baptized at the Cathedral should contact the Baptismal Coordinator. Parents should contact us at least six (6) months in advance of a desired baptismal date, and may ask for the priest or deacon of their choice to perform the Baptism. Early contact allows parents to be scheduled for the necessary sacramental formation session and godparents to obtain letters from their pastor. Find more information.

If you are a registered parishioner at St. Matthew’s and need a letter of good standing in order to be a godparent for a baptism to be celebrated at another parish, you may make your request online.


Couples who are interested in celebrating the Sacrament of Marriage at the Cathedral are encouraged to review our wedding guidelines. The next step is to call the rectory office at 202-347-3215 and ask for the priest of your choice or the priest on duty, who can speak to you about marriage preparation and the possibility of scheduling your wedding at the Cathedral. Couples are expected to contact us at least nine (9) months in advance of the date on which they hope to celebrate their wedding.

First Reconciliation and First Eucharist

Sunday Children’s Faith Formation classes include preparation for the reception of First Reconciliation and First Eucharist. Find more information.

Adult Confirmation

Each spring during the Easter season, St. Matthew’s offers adult Confirmation preparation for active, baptized Catholics who already have received their First Eucharist. Find more information.

Rite of Christian Initiation

Are you an unbaptized adult who would like to become Catholic, an adult baptized in another Christian denomination who wishes to profess your faith as a Catholic Christian, or a baptized adult Catholic who would like to complete your initiation in the Catholic Church? We invite you to inquire about the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults. RCIA is an ongoing process of conversion and faith formation for adults who would like to explore our Catholic faith and prepare for the celebration of the Sacraments of Initiation—Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist. Find more information.

Contact L.J. Milone, Director of Faith Formation, for more information.