May 10, 2024 Pentecost and the Gifts of the Holy Spirit Need a refresher on the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit as we anticipate Pentecost? Pope Francis' 2014 series of catecheses on these seven amazing gifts make wonderful reading! ➔
April 26, 2024 Register for Weekend Retreat at Loyola St. Matthew's Faith Formation Office invites you to a weekend retreat at Loyola Retreat House on the weekend of July 26 - 28. Register to attend this spiritual and social experience in a beautiful setting along the Potomac River. ➔
April 23, 2024 Celebrating Earth Day and Care for all Creation If you missed this year's Earth Day Lessons and Carols, check out the video on the Cathedral YouTube account, plus a photo gallery and interview with Tom Stehle from Catholic Standard. ➔
April 23, 2024 Green Team Cleans up Kingman Island (again!) Once again, a hearty crew from St. Matthew's celebrated Earth Day weekend by joining in the Anacostia Watershed Society Earth Day cleanup of Kingman Island. Saturday's work marked the 5th year of participation by the Green Team in this event. ➔
March 27, 2024 Resurrection Reveals our Radical Unity with God With the help of Christian mystic and medieval German Dominican preacher Meister Eckhart, L.J. Milone in his Mystical Word reflection on John's Gospel reading for Easter Sunday probes the mystery of Resurrection as transformation. ➔
March 7, 2024 Rest in Peace, Jean / Descansa en paz, Jean The life of Jean Fuller was celebrated at a bilingual Funeral Mass in the Cathedral on Tuesday, March 5, 2024. / La vida de Jean Fuller se celebró en una Misa de Funeral bilingüe en la Catedral el martes 5 de marzo de 2024. ➔
October 26, 2023 From the Rector Msgr. Jameson, Cathedral Rector, shares invitations on two important topics, and invites you to contact him directly with any responses. Find out more. ➔
October 24, 2023 New Vatican Webpage for Job Applicants The Vatican Secretariat for the Economy launches a new webpage to accept job applications for laypeople who wish to apply for vacant positions at the Holy See. ➔
October 14, 2023 The Synod on Synodality: A Spiritual Experience L.J. Milone, fresh from Rome after attending the Opening Mass for the Synod General Assembly, shares a reflection on the overarching spiritual dimension of the Synod. ➔
October 3, 2023 Synod 2023 Read a great reflection on the Synod shared by L.J. Milone, who attended the Opening Mass for the Synod General Assembly, and find information and resources on the Synod. ➔